File No. 019 Tomi Kisaragi 如月兎美
如月兎美(きさらぎ とみ)は破滅した2024年からやってきた未来人。遠慮の無い言動で生意気に見られやすいが、頭がよく回り、逆境を乗り越える心の強さを持つ。ニックネームはウサミ。
Tomi Kisaragi comes from the destroyed future of 2024. People tend to think she's sassy because of her candid, unbothered demeanor, but she's quick-witted and strong willed to overcome most stresses. Her nickname is Usami.
(Usami is a nickname that plays on her first name, Tomi. The "To" in her name is the same character for rabbit, or usagi in Japanese. "Mi" is one way of reading the Japanese character that means beauty. Usa + mi makes Usami.)
In 2024, she uploaded a video called "Inaba Rabbit" on a video sharing site, showcasing her talented singing skills.
Although Tetsuya Ida was authorized to use Sentinel No.16, Tsukasa Okino was able to help transfer authorization over to Kisaragi, as he is the one who created the Sentinels. He also woke up Miyuki Inaba, who was shut off by Ida.
The Idol Miyuki Inaba, who is also the control system for Sentinel No.16 (gone missing after the Sentinel Infection Incident), is the other Tomi Kisaragi. Inaba's song sounds just like the song Kisaragi used to sing in middle school, but rearranged for an '80s sound. Kisaragi's username at the time was also "Inaba."